Guest Blogging Policy

Go you have a great topic on the following you want to share to our readers?

We have seven websites and our brands cover a variety of interest that might be of interest and a good fit for you and your company!

Our Brands

Let’s Get Started

If you are interested in writing a guest post for these brands, please send three topic ideas to me at Please send me the topic ideas before writing the article so I can let you know whether the topic has been covered before or if it is a good fit for our readers. Also, let me know the brand you are wanting to write about. Note: please do not send an unsolicited article until a topic has been approved.

Please also send me a link to your website and or blog so I can review your style of writing.

Tips For Your Pitch

  • Start your email with “Hey Lynn” so I know you have read this Guest Post Policy.
  • Introduce yourself and tell me who you are, who you work for and your work experience with writing.
  • Tell me why I should accept your guest blog post? Key what value will it bring to our readers?
  • Give me three great topic ideas related to the brand you would like to be a guest writer.
  • Let me know you have read the gust blog and are willing to comply with it.


  • The article must be an original work, not published elsewhere, including your own website
  • Articles should be saves in word.doc or embedded in the email.
  • Guest posts must be written in English-I reserve the right to edit the article for spelling, grammar, and readability.
  • Proofread your article closely. If your article contains a lot of typos, then the chances of publication are significantly reduced.
  • A minimum of 750 words is required.
  • Please use images in your article that you have created or gotten from an image site-no Google image.
  • Include a link to the source of the image and give credit where appropriate if you are using images from other blogs or social media.
  • Attach images files separately, do not embed them in the email.
  • Affiliate links will not be accepted or follow me links.
  • You may link your website or blog in your bio. If you include any links within the article, they must relate to the topic being discussed.
  • Provide a bio. You may include a Gravatar and twitter ID if you have them.
  • Please share your guest post from the brand chosen with your social media audience, emails, etc.…
  • Please no plagiarism.
  • Please add our brand logo to your website or blog stating you have been featured on one of our brands.

Benefits of Writing For OUR Brands

  • Exposure-Exposure-Exposure
  • We have a dynamite Social Media presence
  • Brings readers to your website
  • Share your exciting information and expertise with others
  • My team will market you article vi Faceboo9, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and emails
  • I will do a video review of your article and send you a copy of the video that you can place on your site, share in your social media, and emails.

What To Expect

  • After you send me your topics to me, I will let you know which one will be a good fit for the brand you have chosen to write for.
  • After you send me the article, I will review it and let you know if any changes will need to be made, and let you know if I will publish it.
  • After I have agreed to publish your article, the fee is $100.00 and you will come to this page to pay.
  • The fee covers my team marketing you in our (SML) Social Media Loop.

I will get your article published within one week of payment.

Guest Article Payment

I am looking forward to a mutual promotion with you and the key is exposure for both!
Please send your requests to me at

Excited to hear from you,