Enchanted Fairy Gardens Featuring Mermaids

mandy the mermaid™ flat lays and fillers

It’s time to have fun with the mermaids. Mandy and Meredith are the Fairy Land mermaids who live and work under the sea. They are teaming up with Teelie’s Fairy Garden to show you these enchanted fairy gardens which feature mermaids. We hope that you are wowed and inspired by their selections. There is so much magic to be found.


Trudi Ross on Pinterest

Magical Mermaid Garden in a Planter

Trudi Ross’s mermaid fairy garden on Pinterest centers around an enchanted beach scene. The mermaids are relaxing and sunbathing. Taking a nap in the sun is always so much fun especially when you have fairy dust that can ensure you don’t get a sunburn. Trudi’s fairy garden also includes a magical shell castle, lighthouse, beach chairs, and a palm tree. You can discover all the magical miniatures that Trudi used to create this amazing mermaid scene here.


Creative Green Living DIY Mermaid Fairy Garden

Create Your Own Mermaid Fairy Garden

Creative Green Living wants to inspire you to create your own magical mermaid fairy garden. In this incredible article, you’ll find a step-by-step how-to that will inspire you to create a breathtaking fairy garden. This DIY also focuses on having succulents in your fairy garden. Full details are available here.


The Potted Fairy on Instagram

Enchanted Clay Pot Mermaid Fairy Garden

This enchanted clay pot mermaid fairy garden idea comes to us from The Potted Fairy on Instagram. This mermaid-themed fairy garden uses several clay pots to create a fairy garden that is on multiple layers. The addition of plants, a treasure chest, a mermaid, rocks, and shells create a stunning and magical scene. Complete details can be found here.


miniature sleeping mermaid figurine, hanging terrarium, miniature beach light IndyWind on Etsy Fairy Garden

Amazing Mermaid Fairy Garden

IndyWind on Etsy created a lovely and amazing mermaid-themed fairy garden inside a hanging terrarium. Plants and a sleeping mermaid on a rock can be seen in this garden. LED fairy lights add to the enchantment of this homemade fairy garden. This fairy garden would also make a wonderful nightlight, especially in the room of a child or anyone who loves mermaids. Learn more here.


Just Bright Ideas DIY Mermaid Fairy Gardens

Fantastic Mermaid Fairy Garden Ideas

Just Bright Ideas has created a DIY guide that includes 16 fantastic mermaid fairy gardens. This article can inspire you to come up with ideas for your own splendid fairy garden. Pictured above is one of the 16 ideas. In this one, the mermaid fairy garden is created in a tub. Rocks are used to look like water. The mermaid sits in the center of the garden and is surrounded by an assortment of beautiful and colorful plants. Read the entire article here.

Thank you for taking the time to discover enchanted mermaid-themed fairy gardens with us. We hope that you’ll continue to explore Teelie’s Fairy Garden. There is so much to discover. The magic is everywhere.

Here is an enchanted mermaid video for you to enjoy. It will teach you about our magical instant fairy gardens.


Here are some mermaids and accessories that you might enjoy for a mermaid-themed fairy garden.

Annie The Sweet Mermaid, Fairy Garden, Dollhouse, Miniature, Green Mermaid Purple Shell, Green Turtle, Starfish, Shells, Adorable Fairy, Cute

Adorable Sleeping Little Mermaids, Fairy Garden Mermaid, Dollhouse Lovely Mermaids, Miniature Sleeping Mermaids, Sitting Mermaid

 Let’s Go To The Beach, Mermaid Garden, Fairy Garden, Dollhouse, Miniature, Miniature Beach Bag, Flippers, Beach Sign, Starfish, Green Turtle

Turtles Are Coming To The Beach, Miniature, Fairy Garden, Dollhouse, Orange, Pink, Blue, Mermaid Garden, Green, Mermaid Beach, Turtle Beach

Mermaid Fairy Garden Plants, Miniature, Fairy Garden, Dollhouse, Purple, Green, Palm Tree, Blue, Pink, Orange, Beach Plants, Mermaid, Cute

Mermaid Beach Sandcastle With Blue Baby Unicorn Whale, Starfish, Miniature, Dollhouse, Fairy Garden, Blue Whale, Shells, beach shells, cute

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