The Fairy Scoop: These Miniature Fairies Have Come Out to Play!

Spring and summer are fun seasons for our magical little fairy friends. Today, in The Fairy Scoop, we’re featuring 10 of the most playful miniature fairies that would love to have fun in your garden! These are all from MiniatureFairyGardens at Etsy. Take a look at more photos by clicking the links below!

1. Ready, set, go!

Cicely Mary Barker Miniature Fairy

This rose-bay, willow-herb miniature fairy loves a good run! With the wind on her hair and a smile on her face, she’ll bring joy and cheer to any fairy garden.

See it: Cicely Mary Barker Miniature Fairy

2. Birthday Fairy

Miniature Birthday Party Fairy

An adorable miniature fairy, seated and all dressed up celebrate a birthday! Give it to a friend or family, complete with a starter kit fairy garden.

More photos: Miniature Birthday Party Fairy

3. Bookworms

Reading Gnome & Two Fairies

What’s funny? Two fairies giggle at what they’re reading. A funny fairy story perhaps? The gnome is also smiling!

Own it: Reading Gnome & Two Fairies

4. Dancing Fairy

Mini Dancing Fairy

Fairies are magical creatures that love to dance and this miniature lavender fairy is no exception. All she needs is plenty of space in her very own fairy garden. Our favorite in this list of miniature fairies!

See it: Mini Dancing Fairy

5. Tea Party

Tea Party Fairy Set

Two fairy friends are enjoying a cup of tea over fairyland chitchat. The latest? A certain Tommy Tinker is showing off his fairy garden!

Get it: Tea Party Fairy Set

6. Butterfly Love

Mini Sitting Fairy

It’s love at first sight between this miniature fairy and a playful little butterfly that’s landed on her arm! A great scene to look at in any fairy garden, for sure.

See more photos: Mini Sitting Fairy

7. Oh So Happy!

Mini Happy Fairy

She’s ready to play! All smiles and arms up, this miniature fairy is as playful as can be. She’s looking for lots more fairy friends she can play the whole day with.

Own it: Mini Happy Fairy

8. Let’s Dance

Mini Dancing Fairy

This tiny little magical creature is doing her fairy dance with much joy and enthusiasm, it will inspire you to move along too!

See it: Mini Dancing Fairy

9. Tree Hugger

Tree Hugger Climbing Fairy

Fairies love nature, especially trees! We would’ve warned her not to climb too high, if not for her fairy wings. Do you have a tree in your fairy garden she’d be happy with?

Check it out: Tree Hugger Climbing Fairy

10. Daydreaming

Mini Lounging Fairy

If your idea of fun is lounging around all afternoon and dreaming of a sweet fairyland full of candies and cakes, then you’d make great friends with this cute little fairy!

Get it: Mini Lounging Fairy

Love any of these miniature fairies? You might enjoy even more choices for your fairy garden in our flower fairies collection here. If you like this post, don’t forget to give it a share and tag us on Facebook: Teelie’s Fairy Garden!

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