Celebrate Christmas In July With Beautiful Fairy Land Ornaments

It’s time to add magic to your home with a Christmas-in-July tree. You can decorate it entirely with beautiful Fairy Land-inspired ornaments. Teelie’s Fairy Garden will show you how. You can also enjoy this amazing video.


Wendy The Weather Fairy Star Ornaments

Wendy the Weather Fairy is standing in front of a beautiful Christmas tree on this magical star-shaped ornament from the Teelie Turner collection. This image is from the Tommy Tinker and the Snowed In Castle book. Learn more here.

Tommy Tinker And The Snowed In Castle Circle Ornament

Tommy Tinker looks amazing surrounded by the snow on this vivid red Christmas ornament. This image is from the Tommy Tinker and the Snowed in Castle book by Teelie Turner. Learn more here.

Serena and the Sugar Plum Fairy Shortage Heart Ornament

This tasty-looking ornament is extremely magical with its heart shape and stunning design. Serena the Sugar Plum Fairy is surrounded by scrumptious-looking treats. It is from the Serena and the Sugar Plum Fairy Shortage book by Teelie Turner. Learn more here.

Serena and the Sugar Plum Fairy Solution Heart Ornament

This stunning green ornament is shaped like a heart and has the amazing Serena the Sugar Plum Fairy on it. This scene is inspired by the Serena and the Sugar Plum Fairy Solution book by Teelie Turner. This is the sequel to Serena and the Sugar Plum Fairy Shortage book. Learn more here.

Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornament 2023, Fairy Messengers Carnation Fairy, Gift for Her

This adorable fairy is a Hallmark Keepsake Christmas Ornament for 2023. Be one of the first people to collect it by including it on your Christmas in July tree. The fairy is so cute in her red and green outfit. Learn more here.

Kurt S. Adler Nutcracker Suite Waltz of Flowers Ballerina Christmas Tree Ornament

This stunning Christmas ornament from the Kurt S. Adler collection is of a beautiful ballerina from the Nutcracker’s Waltz of the Flowers. Her delicate features and lovely tutu will make her a star on your Christmas in July tree. Learn more here.

5-Inch Amy Brown Red Fairy with Candy Cane Ornament

This candy cane fairy from the Amy Brown collection is delicate and adorable. She is definitely suited to her work as her clothing also resembles a candy cane with red and white stripes. Learn more here.

Forever in My Heart Ornament

The Forever in My Heart Christmas ornament features an amazing fairy angel. This would be a special gift to give to someone who has a special place in your heart for your Christmas in July celebration. Learn more here.

Thank you for spending time in Teelie’s Fairy Garden with us. We hope that you’ll have a magical Christmas in July. Keep visiting us for more suggestions and fun surrounding this happy celebration.

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