Magical Pet Products Featuring Beautiful Fairies

Teelie’s Fairy Garden isn’t just a place for fairies. It is a great place for fairies and their pets to have fun together. Teelie Turner’s beautiful fairies can also be featured on a number of fantastic products. Please watch this adorable video from Fairy Land.

Buppy The Bunny Fairy With Sparkles™ Pet Blanket

Buppy the Bunny Fairy’s pet blanket for cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits, or whatever animal you like is absolutely stunning with the beautiful fairy, rabbit, and sparkle design. All pet blankets are available in medium or large sizes. Learn more here.

Joey With Puppy Love™ Pet Blanket

The Joey With Puppy Love design is a magical design with a fairy dog that is extremely near and dear to our hearts. This would be a wonderful blanket for your pets. Learn more here.

Magical Fairy Farm Life With Jonathan The Fairy Farmer™ Pet Bandana

This adorable pet bandana has a magical design on it from Magical Fairy Farm Life With Jonathan the Fairy Farmer book that is an enchanted look at a day at the farm with Jonathan. Small and large bandanas are available. Learn more here.

Iaada the International Fairy – Japanese™ Pet Bandana

This enchanted pet bandana features Iaada the International Fairy on it. She’s wearing her Japanese kimono and is surrounded by fragrant cherry blossoms. Learn more here.

Carmelle the Ice Cream Fairy™ Pet Mat

Carmelle the Ice Cream Fairy plays a sweet role in Fairy Land. Pets can also enjoy her versatile pet mats for their food and water bowls. Mats are available for both cats and dogs. Featured above is a dog mat. Learn more here.

Tianna Attends An Art Show™ Pet Mat

We love the bright colors on this pet mat for a dog that features Tianna the T-Shirt Fairy. Teelie Turner also wrote an enchanted book about Tianna and how she helps artists be noticed at an art show. Learn more here.

Gigi’s Magical Parisian Holiday™ Pet Mat

The pet mats for cats are all shaped like fish. This stylish-looking mat features Gigi the Chic Fairy during her Parisian holiday. We love the color of her dress and the background of the mat. Cats who use this mat will feel like royalty. Learn more here.

Meredith the Mermaid™ Pet Mat

Meredith the Mermaid shows off her enchanted design on this cute pet mat. We love the bright colors and that there is also a fish in this design. A cat’s food and water dishes would fit well on this mat. Learn more here.

Thank you for spending time in Teelie’s Fairy Garden with us. We hope you’ve enjoyed the magical pet products as much as we have. Be sure to follow us on social media to enjoy the magic of Fairy Land each and every day.

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