Meet Some Magical Fairies

Meet Some Magical Fairies

Thank you for visiting Teelie’s Fairy Garden. This week we’re excited to introduce you to some magical fairies. A few of these beautiful fairies might have already made your acquaintance, whereas others are brand new to Teelie’s Fairy Garden. We hope you enjoy meeting them.

1. Magical New Year’s Travel Mug
Chime The New Year's Fairy™ Travel Mug
2. Stunning New Year’s Tote Bag
Chime The New Year's Fairy™ Tote Bag
3. Beautiful Bakery Fairy Magnet
Bonita The Bakery Fairy™ Magnet
4. Amazing Floor Pillows
Bonita The Bakery Fairy™ Floor Pillow

Magical New Year’s Travel Mug

We’d like to introduce you to Chime the New Year’s Eve Fairy. Teelie Turner wrote a book about her last year. You can learn more in her book trailer. Chime also has a magical collection of merchandise which is available on Redbubble and includes this cute travel mug.


Stunning New Year’s Tote Bag

Another fun item in Chime the New Year’s Fairy’s collection of merchandise is her magical tote bag. This bag is so versatile, it can be used while shopping, to store craft supplies in, or to take books to and from the library. How would you use it? Find it on Redbubble.

Beautiful Bakery Fairy Magnet

Have you met Bonita the Bakery fairy? Bonita is on the front cover of our Winter Wonderland cookbooks. She also has her own collection of merchandise which you can find on Redbubble. One of the items available with Bonita’s photo on it is her magnets which are available in several different sizes.

Amazing Floor Pillows

You can also find Bonita’s image on this amazing floor pillow. You can find the cover on Redbubble. Bonita has over seventy products available. We’d love to hear what your favorite is.

Fairy merchandise
1. Enchanted Baby Outfits
Carmelle the Ice Cream Fairy™ Baby One-Piece
2. Delicious Pieces of Artwork
Carmelle the Ice Cream Fairy™ Canvas Print
3. Magical Zipper Pouches
Tianna Attends An Art Show™ Zipper Pouch
4. Fancy Fairy Leggings
Tianna Attends An Art Show™ Leggings

Enchanted Baby Outfits

Carmelle the Ice Cream Fairy can be found on an extensive collection of merchandise on Redbubble. We’re sharing an adorable baby onesie with you. You can find it in several different colors and sizes.

Delicious Pieces of Artwork

Carmelle the Ice Cream Fairy’s collection of merchandise on Redbubble also includes several pieces of artwork. We’re showing you the canvas print. It is available in a few different sizes.

Magical Zipper Pouches

Tianna is the T-Shirt artist fairy. Teelie Turner wrote a book about her, and you can learn more in the book trailer. Featured in Tianna’s Redbubble collection are her zipper pouches which are available in different sizes.


Fancy Fairy Leggings

You can also find Tianna on several magical items of clothing including these leggings. Full details are available on Redbubble.

We hope that you have enjoyed meeting these magical fairies with us. Please come back to Teelie’s Fairy Garden again soon. We have lots more magic in store for you.

countdown featured

Also, did you see the Magical Fairy Countdown to Christmas calendar? Learn more here.

Discover Teelie Turner’s complete collection of magical books here. 

surprise fairy giveaway

Every Wednesday, Teelie Turner will be giving away something special in a magical surprise giveaway. You’ll never know what it might be and that is part of the magic that goes along with this. Sign up now for your chance to win.

Meet The Fairies

Sign up to get a copy of the Meet the Fairies catalog/book. It’s an enchanted opportunity to get better acquainted with over a hundred incredible fairies.

catalog magical fairy sticker banner

Several magical fairy catalogs and guides are available as a free download. Learn more about them here. 

Just a disclaimer – We have partnered with these companies because we use their products and/or proudly trust and endorse them – so we do receive a commission if you make a purchase or sign up for services. Often, we are able to negotiate special discounts and/or bonuses, which we will pass on to you via our links. We often get short notice on sale items available for 24-48 hours as we will pass these savings onto you.

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