How to Prepare An Enchanting Fairytale Sleepover

What better way to truly enjoy a fairy garden than with a wonderful sleepover night where you can gaze out at twinkling fairy lights that glimmer over your fairy garden scene? Kids will love enjoying the fairy world, looking out at its delicate forms nestled in the grass, so why not make the entire experience a truly magical one? Turn them into their own magical fairy princes and princesses and let them play in a kingdom of magic for the evening, bringing joy and laughter in every corner.

Here are a few things that will make the adventure just a little more enchanting:


Build a fairy pillow fort!

It doesn’t have to be a strong or even organized looking fort; imagination is what builds it. Give them fluffy pillows (Amazon) for the walls, so they’re soft and kids will love leaning up against them. They can each also have a fairy pillow of choice, so this fairy will become their guardian or guide for the night. Let Desta the Dragon Fairy (Fairy Garden) protect a little one against any dark corners, or have Fairy Aerenee (Fairy Garden) be their companion around the garden. There is a fairy perfect for each personality. Sheltered inside their fairy fort, the kids can safely play and enjoy themselves, tell magical stories, or enjoy their snacks.


Cover them with lights

Throughout stories around the world, fairies make their presence known through mystical, magical lights appearing in the darkness. Bring this light and warmth to you fairy sleepover with the use of fairy lights (Amazon) that you can drape around the pillow fort or around the sleepover area. They can be warm or colorful fairy lights (Fairy Garden), making it appear as though a crowd of fae folk have gathered.  Things become even more magical with the addition of these lights outdoors, should your fairies decide to visit the garden. The lights could take the form of bees (Fairy Garden) or flowers (Fairy Garden), adding to their fairy story. It’s a great chance to explain to them about your fairy garden and what makes them so special, and how fairies can be a part of their lives too.


Put some magic on the walls and draperies

Drape the fort or the sleeping areas with sheer, shimmering curtains (Amazon) or provide them with fairy blankets (Amazon) to snuggle under. Then turn the entire sleeping area into a castle in itself by draping a beautiful tapestry (Amazon) against the wall, so it truly feels like a castle. And then, adorn the location with dozen of colorful butterflies (Amazon), to truly make it feel like a magical home.  With just a few additions, the entire location is transformed, going from walls to castles, from bedrooms to royal bedding, with mystical butterflies fluttering around them.


Let them become fairies

Give everyone beautiful fairy costumes in pinks (Fairy Garden), orchid (Fairy Garden), or green (Fairy Garden), or whatever color they choose. This transforms them into the fairies themselves, allowing themselves to become a part of the story. Let them meet and name the fairies in the décor around them, and then name themselves as fairies. Hold a royal fairy ball or have them enjoy watching a magical movie, pretending they can be the characters themselves. Anything is possible.

The décor, the costumes, and the surroundings all blend together to form an atmosphere that allows them to build their sleepover fairyland beyond their wildest imagination.

Within the safety of this wonderful fairy world, every child participating won’t forget this truly mystical night. Not only will they get to enjoy the beauty of your at-home fairy garden, but they’ll experience the magic of being fairies themselves! This spellbinding sleepover will have them fluttering for another night of adventure.

Find more fairy party ideas in this garden!

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