Frog Themed Fairy Gardens

Frog Themed Fairy Gardens

Hello fairy friends. This week we decided to share some great fairy garden items with you that feature frogs. If you live near water, you might hear them talking every night. The wonderful thing for us fairies, is that some of us have the magical ability to be able to communicate with the frogs. They talk about the weather and the temperature of their ponds a lot. After you’ve visited our frog themed gardens, we hope that you’ll take some time to browse through the other fairy gardens that are featured on Teelie’s Fairy Garden as well as explore our fairy books and other magical news.

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Cute Frog Kit

Our first frog themed fairy garden comes in a kit and includes a frog, a bench, a birdbath, a yellow bird, flowers, and colored jewels. It comes from Teelie Turner’s collection of merchandise.Your fairy garden would look magical with this kit which is available on Etsy.

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Toad Abode Kit

Toads are a frogs’ cousins and they have some amazing fairy garden kits too. We found one on Etsy that is amazing. The kit includes a toad, a toad abode, a toad bath, and a beautiful water fountain.

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Bonus Ideas

Our bonus items are items that can be incorporated into a frog themed fairy garden where you select individual items to make it everything that your imagination aspires it to be.

Frog and Fairy

We found an adorable frog figurine with a fairy girl. We don’t know what happens if a fairy kisses a frog. Perhaps he becomes a fairy prince. You can find this figurine on Etsy.

Fairy on a Stone

The fairy merchants also located a cute frog sitting on a stone. The frog appears to be thinking about something, perhaps the next book that it wants to read or the flowers that it has growing in its garden. You can find this frog on Etsy.

Travelling Garden Frogs

We located several travelling frogs who would look so adorable in your fairy garden. The frogs are sold individually, so you’ll have  the choice to feature one or more among your flowers and other miniature garden treasures. The travelling frogs are available on Etsy.

Magical Frog Rides

Our final bonus item this week is a small kit which can be purchased in two different ways. It comes with a fairy and a frog or with the fairy, the frog and an adorable sign that reads frog rides here. The fairy can be seen riding the frog in the image. You can find this magical combination on Etsy.

Thank you for taking the time to walk through our frog themed fairy garden. We hope that we have inspired you to create a magical fairy garden of your own. You can find numerous other posts on Teelie’s Fairy Garden about fairy garden themes including greenhouse style gardens, fairy gardens featuring a cat and sewing themed fairy gardens. Look for us on social media and Bloglovin’ or comment on this post and we’ll get back to you. What fairy garden theme would you love to see featured? Let us know and your suggestion might be featured in an upcoming article.

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