Lend a Hand for Fairy Harvest Time!

With flowers blooming, plants sprouting, and trees bearing fruit, the fairies have started pulling in their summer harvest. With the bright sun shining down, they’ve begun to use their magic to draw the best fruits of their labor off the trees and bushes and into their harvest stores. While everything is plentiful, fairies start gathering up all the bounties of nature. It’s time for us to lend them a hand and see the treasure trove they’ve collected!

FG May 30 2019 harvest 1-41. The Fairy Harvest Bounty

Upon visiting the fairies, the first thing you might see is a pile of fresh vegetables. Corn, peas, carrots, eggplants—so many colorful treasures that will become part of the food stock of the fairy village. And this is just the beginning! See it at Etsy.

2. Fairy Farming and Harvest Tools

The fairies have brought plenty of tools for the job. They’ve got a rake, a spade, and a fork with them to make sure that the job gets done. Unearthing all those root crops aren’t easy! See the sparkles? It takes a bit of fairy dust to do it too. Get them in the set at Etsy.

3. The Leafy Wheelbarrow

This lovely handcrafted wheelbarrow is being used by the fairies in order to put together all the fruits and vegetables they’ve already gathered. There’s quite a few of them and it might get heavy, so they often use magic to get it going. See it in Etsy.

4. The White Rabbit

Little white rabbits like this little guy often pop out to help fairies for numerous things. This time, he’s trying to be helpful for harvest as well. He’s brought a magical mushroom, carefully searched for and plucked, to add to the pile. See it in Etsy.

Let’s look in further during a fairy work day wherein everyone gathers up to harvest some fruits and vegetables. What else are growing in the fairy farms and fairy gardens?

FG May 30 2019 harvest 5-75. The Plot of Root Crops

One of the farm plots that the fairies are working in is one with rows of carrots, radishes, and rows of pea plants above the ground. Fairy root crops and pods are always much bigger than regular veggies as fairy magic carefully tends to them. See them at Etsy.

6. The Plot of Tomatoes

Tomatoes in the fairy world are so bright, red, and shiny that they look like apples! This plot of tomato plants, winding around nice white poles, is looked after by another white rabbit who carefully checks each fruit. See it in Etsy.

7. The Best Potatoes

Fairies must definitely be looking forward to the potato plants. They could be used to make potato pancakes, French fries, added in chunks to stews, and more. They’ll be harvesting barrels of this hearty root crop! See them in Etsy.

FG May 30 2019 harvest 9-108. The Field of Corn

Golden kernels have started to peep out of the ears of corn. Fairies fly through the rustling corn stalks, picking out brightest ears of sweet corn. Gathering up all these ears, there’ll be plenty to grill and eat with butter this summer! See them in Etsy.

9. A Bounty of Fruit

Don’t forget the fruit! Summer is a time of the sweetest fruit, and fairies have already started gathering up delicious treats. From the ripest grapes from the vine, to lemons, oranges, and peaches, there’s plenty of sweetness to enjoy! See them at Etsy.

10. Berries and Nuts

Best of all, berries and nuts are plentiful in the summer. Squirrels will come romping down the trees to help gather the hazelnuts, almonds and more, as fairies gather strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and more to add to desserts. See them at Etsy.

Grab your gathering basket and join the fairy harvest, enjoying the treasure trove of food gifted by nature!

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Head to the Fields of the Fairy Farm!

Let it Grow: A Fairy Garden Planting Set

Summer Fruit and Wine in the Fairy Garden

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